Makes you proud when after a shower and doing his asthma medicine in the nebulizer that he snag a more beer catalog and start browsing it like I do when I first get it in the mail lol. Teach them young right
That is adorable. Way to go Dad!
He grabs my radical brewing book and calls it his some nights too makes me lose my page but it’s all good when I hear him saying “dad-ty beer”
When my youngest son was 3 or 4 (he’s now 12) he would walk up and grab my beer and take a big gulp, set it down and say “ahhhh, good stuff”. Once he did that in front of my friends at our pool and everyone about fell out of their seats.
I always let them have “sips and tastes” whenever they wanted. Now, at 17 and 12 my boys could really care less a bout beer. I’m sure they think it’s just about as boring as their old man.
I was at a brewpub with my 4 year old a few months ago. They were in the middle of a brewday and you could smell it. Right after the first hop addition went in, my son told me “Oh Daddy, I smell hops!”. That was a big “proud dad” moment for me.
Last year I was serving at the NAOBF when I saw a little girl (3 maybe 4) grab her mom’s tasting mug and quickly take a swig. The look on her face was priceless and I do believe that she won’t be doing that again any time soon.
Hopefully she’ll acquire a taste for beer when she’s older.
I’ve raised my kids to appreciate good quality craft beer and they’ve all helped me brew.
My eldest is at LSU and poor… Consequently they drink a lot of the cheap stuff as we all did at one point.
Every time he comes home he goes right to the bar and pulls a pint, smiles and offers thanks for good free beer once again:)
I always try to bottle up some Sixer’s for him and ship them down each semester, he and his frat house greatly appreciate the “old man that brews beer”!
Geaux Tigers!!! We are huge lsu fans up here in the north lol, and yea I think bud light is the only thing that flows on that campus we try to get down there once a year for a foot ball game.
And yea I feel if you bring them up respecting the beverage rather then it being that forbidden beverage they wolnt abuse it and will respect it and if they actually take the time to brew it it would make them appreciate it that much more. Just how I feel am I crazy or is this sorta the normal vibe around here
Agreed, and we too are out of staters, like LSU a lot but my wife and bleed Kansas and Ohio State. Bring on the Madness!
Lol my wife and her family is what got me into Lsu I was never really into college sports but my first time going to to lsu was amazing the atmosphere and how nice and friendly everyone is. Hoping to get down there this fall with the two year old for his first game
Well another happy moment , he was staying content while we are purchasing a new car with my phone he was scrolling threw the pictures and I hear him say daddy beer, here is the pic he was referring to and it blew my mind
That’s so cool. I think it’s great for kids to see beer as a hobby and intellectual pursuit, rather than an avenue to drunkenness.
Here are a couple of my proud moments:
When I used to get home from work, Noah would say, “Cheh, brr! Cheh brrr!” (Check the beer). One time he even mumbled it in his sleep! What a riot. But it’s super cool to see that your kids tune in to what’s important to you and want to be a part of it.
Now these guys are 5 and 7 years old and growing like weeds. Time flies, man. Treasure these days. We have one more on the way in June, and I can’t wait to meet this new little person! 8)
That’s awesome hopping for a nice harvest this year to get a pic like that lol, mine looks at the fermenter and says bubbles because of the air lock activity lol
This is how I was first introduced to homebrewing. I distinctly remember my father brewing in the 90’s, he kept at it for several years, then gave it up when work got busy and better commercial beer became available in the area.
This made it easier to get started, he never sold his gear so I was able to get a head start on acquiring carboys and bottles. He also pointed me towards “The Complete Joy of Homebrewing” which did a lot to get me hooked on the hobby.
The smell of my first batch of wort boiling away certainly brought back a lot of memories.