So I took a chance. Was brewing a NE-style IPA that required a hop stand at 160 degrees. Family is a little wild today, some kids fighting, going back and forth to garage - you know the deal (or some of you do). Started cooling via CF chiller and at about 110 degrees I remember I forgot the hopstand (!), like 4 oz. Dilemma. Continue cooling and rely on dry hops? Note, very little boil hops used. Or,. reheat to 160 and do the stand. Quick Google search on raising temp of already cooled wort temp didnt return much. Had to decide, pressure. Since it was a hopstand-focused recipe, I went with reheat to 160.
It’s a topic I am not sure I have ever read anything on, but assume there is some complex temp related chemistry going on there lowering then raising temps ;^)
Anyway, thoughts? Huge mistake or did I invent a new style? Or potentially create an off-flavor bomb? :
My best hopstand was at 120 when I forgot to watch the temp. That said, ive stopped doing hopstand/whirlpool additions in favor of short cold dry hopping. Works much better for me.