OR Homebrew law ALERT!

The bill to change the OR homebrew law is about to go before the Business, Transportation and Economic Development Committee (BTED) as soon as Feb. 2 and then could be in front of the full senate by Feb. 4 or the week after.  It’s time for OR homebrewers to swing into action.  This bill was drafted by an OR senator who is a homebrewer with input from the Oregon Homebrewers Alliance.  You can read the bill and the amendments that go with it at http://oregonhomebrewersalliance.org/ .  Contact your legislator to support SB 444 with the “dash-1 amendments.”  Do it now!  It’s likely this bill will sail through the legislature, but we need your help to make sure.  You can post questions or comments on the OHBA website.

I think the usual sort of warning applies here as always.

If you don’t live in the jurisdiction affected, please don’t contact the legislators. It doesn’t help and could actually hurt.

So, please only reach out if you live in Oregon.

Or if you know someone who lives there, ask them to contact their legislators.  My mother-in-law already did. :slight_smile:

UPDATE:  The committee hearing for SB444 has been set for Thur. Feb. 10.  OREGON HOMEBREWERS, now is the time to contact committee members and your legislators!  Please don’t put it off!

Oregon residents, please contact the members of the Senate Business, Transportation and Economic Development Committee prior to their Thursday, February 10 meeting and urge them to support passage of SB 444.  See the Action Alert the AHA sent to Oregon AHA Members, clubs, homebrew shops and breweries (http://bit.ly/g9lQB3) for details.

The best way for non-Oregon residents to help this cause would be to forward the alert to anyone they know in Oregon that might be interested in supporting homebrewers.


It’s likely the hearing will be live online.  It’s tomorrow, 2/10 at 3 PM.  If you’re interested in watching, go to http://www.leg.state.or.us/listn/ and pick Capitol Hearing Room B.

What time will the hearing be held?

Original message edited to include time

Now we just need someone to post a reminder at 3PM :slight_smile:

And that’s Pacific Time!

Oh, 6PM to the rest of us.  :wink:

How’d the hearing go Denny?  I was driving home at 6:00 so I didn’t get the chance to watch.

I couldn’t watch either, come on Denny!

Maybe the silence means Denny was incarcerated for contempt of congress. :o

“What do you corrupt, designer suit wearing, adulterous jackasses know about anything anyway?”

Remember, corrupt politicians make the other 10% look bad :wink:


The bill breezed through the Senate committee.  Even an OLCC rep was there to testify in favor.  By next Thur. it should pass the Senate and move on to the House, where it should go through easily also.

The video archive is here…


obviously your golden tounged eloquence & sartorial splendor was key in making this happen. congrats!

Yeah, obviously…:wink:

Great news Denny, way to go!  It’s nice to read Gary flew in to help out too.  :slight_smile:

This is very positive news Denny!  :slight_smile:

Now if you could do the same for Mississippi

;D ;D ;D

Good picture of the guys presenting on the AHA main page.  I said, that’s Gary Glass!  Great to see the AHA staff helping move this issue along.

Hard to say for sure what color shoes Denny had on.