Orange Hefe?

I’m looking for a good recipe for a hefeweizen with a distinct orange taste. I know this is one of the least popular homebrews but I really want to make a refreshing summer beer that I can enjoy with my friends. I tried a homebrewed hefe that my friend made from extract but it tasted rather plain. I’m wondering if I can add orange peals, or even a natural orange extract, to give it more flavor. If so, when would be best to make these additions and how much?

BTW, this will be my 3rd batch, so I’m still fairly new to this. Thanks!

If you want a distinctly ORANGE taste you will indeed likely have to use flavourings. pretty sure that’s how they make ‘shock-top’. However there are hops that can give you a citrus note. You could try orange peel but I am not sure that’s going to get you what you want either.

I would brew a nice simple hefe with 40% pils extract 60% wheat extract, bitter with something neutral or something noble. for the yeast you can use a german hefe yeast to get the banana/close thing going to some extent or use an American wheat yeast (or plain old dry us-05) to get a neutral flavor profile and then serve it with orange slices.

I would just orange zest the hell out of it at flame out.  That will definitely do the trick.  And/Or add a some corriander to it, i.e. Belgian White minus the Belgian yeast and chamomille.

If you’re going for something like Shock Top, then I’d just use orange soda flavoring. It may not be the most high brow approach, but it should get the job done. I certainly won’t judge you.

For an extract brew I’d use half wheat DME and half Pils DME, shoot for 1.045ish OG, with about 20 IBUs of Magnum at 60 minutes. I would use a clean ale strain (US-05 if you’re using dry yeast) and ferment in the low 60s. I wouldn’t use a true hefeweizen yeast for this.

You can also do something as simple as adding a fresh orange slice to a traditional Hefe when you pour. IMO this gives a really nice, fresh orange to the beer

I’ve made a plain American wheat and then dosed the secondary with blood oranges and it turned out quite nice.

Thanks, everyone! I found some natural orange extract and some sugar free Orange Crush flavoring on Amazon that I think might work but I’m not sure how much of it I would need for a 5 gallon batch. Thoughts?

Natural Orange Extract (a bit pricey)

Orange Crush (cheaper alternative)

Also, would it be crazy to add some lactose to it to give it an orange cream taste?

after the base beer is done pour 4 (four) 2fl samples and dose each one with a different measured amount of extract. When you decide what level you like scale that up to the remaining ounces in the batch and there you go. I would probably add a bit less than the scaled up amount, gently stir, and taste again cause it’s easy to add more but…

I am anti-extract.  But, if you choose to go that route…

This is the only extract I would use.  I hate tasting artificial flavors in beers.  Not all extracts are created equally.  This is the best extract out there.  Dose up to flavor as Mort suggests.

I would go with coriander.  Grind it up, you get orange.

I would be careful with orange peel, as it tends to add more bitterness than orangeness.  Fresh zest may be different, I do not know.

If you choose to use extract, I would use the highest quality one you can find.  Probably what hoser recommends.

My route would be coriander and a fresh orange slice when served.

I think an orange slice garnish would be the best way to control the level of orange.