I am trying to revise my current house APA. Here is what I have changed it to so far
77% Vienna
15% Rye
8% light crystal
1/2 oz Centennial FWH
1/4 oz Magnum 60 min
3/4 oz Centennial, Amarillo, Simcoe (1/4 oz of each) 10 min
3/4 oz Centennial, Amarillo, Simcoe (1/4 oz of each) 5 min
3/4 oz Centennial, Amarillo, Simcoe (1/4 oz of each) flameout
dryhop undetermined…
Mash at 154
OG ~1.051
IBUs ~35
S-04 yeast
I realize I should only be making one change to the recipe at a time but I said the hell with it. The old recipe is good but can be much better. Changes from the prior recipe are as follows:
*removed 1/2# of wheat and replaced with Vienna
*changed yeast from US-05 to S-04 (beginning to prefer S-04)
*added simcoe to the mix (before it was just centennial/amarillo) for late additions
*planning to dry hop (likely mix of simcoe, centennial, and amarillo)
I mean, there’s nothing wrong with the recipe you posted, but in order for us to give suggestions it would be helpful to know what you didn’t like about the old one and what you want out of this one.
I really like your hops and hop schedule. If style guidelines matter to you, I don’t think it should have that much rye or S-04. Otherwise, it looks like a tasty beer because I like those hops a lot.
I have considered removing the rye. As you can tell this is basically a rye pale ale. I will likely remove it after next attempt for comparison and go from there.
My friend uses WY1968 for his pale ale and I love it. I know people probably don’t like S-04 as much but I prefer dry yeast and I have seen it compared to 1968 before. I normally use US-05 but am starting to prefer S-04 for certain styles. I am not much of a stickler for guidelines these days…I suppose I should just call it a pale ale instead of an APA
Question: Don’t a lot of breweries use english yeast to make American style beers? The example I would give is Stone. I believe it is recommended to use WLP002/007 when cloning their beers. Am I incorrect?
no you are correct - nothing wrong with using either 002 or 007 or their counterparts with other yeast companies in an american ale. Stone is just one of a sea of many breweries that do the same.
So any of you that have tried 007 in an IPA… How is it? I’ve only used it in a stout and I like it there. I usually only use 001 in my IPAs but was thinking of broadening the horizons a bit.
I’m trying to get rid of the crystal in my APA’s and IPA’s, but it’s hard to let go! Also trying to avoid 6o min boil hops. Going with FWH and hammer it with hops during the last 15-20 minutes. I like to use Amarillo, Simcoe, and Centennial, with the Wyeast 1272.