Pale Malt

If a recipe calls for Pale Malt, can this be assumed that it’s 2-row? I see other malts available like Great Western American Pale Malt.

Pale malt generally means 2-row. GW Pale Ale malt is a darker base malt that I believe is meant to be like an American version of British Pale malt.

I have found that recipes will specifically note “Pale Ale Malt” if required.

There is a small difference in the color, but by the time you add in other grains it washes away.  What are you cooking?

its basically a premium 2-row in most cases. its one of my base malts on hand-55# of avangard pale ale malt, 3 lovibond.

Pale malt generally refers to Pale 2-row malt if nothing else is specified. Pale ale malt is generally kilned a bit darker than pale 2-row and often has a bit richer flavor.