Palmer water profiles in Bru'N Water?

So I’ve concluded I like Bru’N Water better than Palmer’s spreadsheet, but I was wondering if people have opinions on Palmer’s style based ranges for minerals. I figured I could use the ranges to create target water in Bru’N Water if for no other reason that to compare directly to those Martin has set up, but I figured I’d get some input on whether folks find them useful enough to bother.


For me, I use both Martin’s profiles and the ranges listed in the water book and find a happy medium. I think that most styles can be brewed well using a balanced profile based on your grain bill. leaning toward the chloride or sulfate is pretty much a matter of taste IMO. For me, Bru’n Water is most useful for dialing in the PH of my mash. I have noticed that most of Martin’s profiles are within the Palmer ranges. I think in the end, its a ballpark game.

Don’t forget that you can change any of the water profiles in Bru’n Water to what you prefer. Scroll down the Water Adjustment page and there is a big table with the water profiles and you can change them there.

Thanks for replies and thanks Martin. Is the chloride/sulfate ratio displayed in the donate version (or am I looking past it in the trial version somehow)? I’ll definitely be making a donation.

SO4/Cl ratio has been purposely de-emphasized in the free and supporter’s versions. But it is still visible in the supporter’s version. It is not something that any brewer should concentrate on.

I’m sure it has been discussed at length elsewhere and I’ve missed it. Can you summarize why it has been de-emphasized or point me in the direction of a prior discussion on the topic? I see you still include it on the water knowledge page and between that and other sources is the reason I was still paying attention to it. I’m in Warren, MI, and for the most part Calcium is the only thing in short supply in the water here so I haven’t done much with my water, but I’m focusing more on pH now than I had previously.

You’ll most likely be seeing something from PayPal from me tomorrow. Thanks!

It is de-emphasized since too many brewers focus on it and it is only valid in a narrow range of concentrations. It is the later point that most brewers don’t understand and apply. It is best for brewers to focus more on the actual concentrations of SO4 and Cl, instead of the ratio.

Thanks Martin - I just realized why your picture looks familiar from your signature: you’re in the FBI. I’m in the KGB (Kuhnhenn Guild of Brewers) - I think we talked briefly on club night in Grand Rapids.

Interesting! Our technical arm of FBI is called the Central Indiana Alliance of Beer Judges (aka: CIA). There is now a club in Indy that has taken the name KGB and I understand that they selected that name as a counter to CIA.

Glad to have met you. The conferences are always a great time. Minneappolis will be great this summer.