I dont post here much anymore, and I probably wont in the future. good to know you guys from here and from NB. I think I am getting out of the hobby, and certainly away from the beer forums. bless you guys for the information, the humor, and the great discussions once had. I cannot stand the required correctness with the hobby and self sensoring requirements to talk about it online. Frankly, I dont even enjoy the hobby that much anymore these days.
time to move on.
btw - anyone in Houston looking for some used beer equip?
Loopy- I don’t blame you one bit. I find myself phasing out of the hobby and boards quite a bit as well. Not sure that I will quit brewing since I am pretty sure I won’t quit drinking, but it is boring hearing the same sh*t daily.
Oh well, Good luck on your next endeavor!
It has been good,
I have certainly enjoyed your banter, knowledge, and character.
Good luck with the 010 garden, the kids, the outback resort, and Texas in general. 8)
Your mind cannot sit idle
best wishes to what ever you pick up next.
Although I think his departure from brewing probably has nothing to do with the forums, I sort of know what he’s talking about. Every forum has their own identity, but I don’t think this forum is as bad as others (it’s a little geared towards folks who think Zymurgy’s the be-all and end-all, but that’s to be expected), the people are so much more polite. I wouldn’t quit brewing if you all insulted my mother every day, however.
Thats what the Brewhaha forum made up for on NB… I’m still amazed they took it away… absolutely stupid. As a result we see the same questions, same shit different day. I hardly go to NB anymore. I come here mostly now and “yeh, it could lighten up a little probably on the sensitivity”. jmo…
Sorry to hear people are giving up because of it though… that means the “PC crowd” wins again. Next thing you know, we’ll be licking a foreign leader’s boots and we “won’t be be able to fight back” because it might hurt someone else’s feelings etc.
WOW so well said, but it will probably cause this thread to be locked or deleted like so many in the past.
Some of you people are so sensitive. This isn’t a war, there is no “winning” by the “PC crowd”. This forum is not the place to air your political opinions. Grow up and quit being so melodramatic.
There’s a board where everyone went who didn’t want to be moderated. And because they weren’t moderated; nobody bothered posting explicit photos or language anymore. It wasn’t fun anymore - so now they mostly talk beer. Funny how that happens.
Something some of you guys just seem to forget - this is a forum sponsored by the AHA. Some of you guys moan and complain about not being able to speak you mind, blah, blah, blah - whatever. Ever stop and think the things you say might be offensive to other people who then in turn email a moderator because they were offended? No?? Didn’t think so. There are forums that cater to politics - there are places to get your porn fix if that is what you are into. Go there if that is what you want. Just don’t do it here. And if you don’t like the rules quit complaining already and leave! If its so boring - go away and open your own forum!! Just stop complaining like old women. Gawdbless it gets old and annoying!
And the AHA is sponsored by it’s membership. But rules are rules, and if we can’t live by them, we’ll go elsewhere. However, no matter what topic is posted, someone I’m sure is going to be offended. ( even beer related subjects like "I think Lambics are awful!! )
I guess we’ll wait and see how this all pans out…now please don’t block me out…I can go to my other forum for the porn and great beer information too ( although they don’t like politics over there much either ).
So why is it that the “offended” people always get their way around here? Maye you should call it a “Pub”, because that’s where grownups go to hang out.
yeah, there’s 3 or 4 of you guys who want to have your little politic and porn fest - the rest don’t want it. Then there’s a handful who just like to stir the pot for no reason. And Brewboy - you are the worst one. The only reason you are here is to stir the pot and cause trouble. You have admitted over and over and over again like a broken record how you don’t like it here - well then stop coming!!! You’ve posted maybe a couple times about beer, the rest has been whining and complaining and stirring the pot. What’s your point here? Anything? Name one thing you have done to contribute to anything positive here. I think I recall you asked for a clone recipe once - that was about it.
You never have a positive thing to say about anything - you rarely discuss beer, you come in here and complain and bemoan the fact that we call this a “pub” and try to stir the pot. Stop! If you don’t like it - don’t come here! That’s all I ask. If you want to contribute something worth while - then fine! Talk about beer some. But stop trying to sabotage the forum! Seems like that is your point here - I can’t figure out why - but that seems like that is what you are about.
Taking a quick gander there are lots of that type of discussions going on. You mostly are attracted to the negative threads that allow you to complain and whine. Answer me just one question: Why do you do that? What’s the point??
Thought maybe I would give him a chance to defend himself - there’s an old saying: If everything you encounter is negative the source of that negativity must be yourself.
I’m not quitting the hobby because of forum moderation. I simply stopped enjoying it as much.
This thread is exactly the type of situation that drains any enjoyment one can have from the hobby.
moderators - if someone is disrupting the place ban them. be done with it. dont argue about it, dont delete everything, set the ground rules and enforce them. Then sticky the damn thread at the top saying - this was out of line because xyz, further talk like this will get you the same. locking thread for being political when I go look at the thread there is not a political hint in it is wrong. Deleting threads and getting agreesive when asked about it is also wrong. It does not encourage people to talk, and when they do everything on here is prefaced with a “hope this is ok to say”, followed by a moderator either granting their approval and nudging it along or killing it.
this place reminds me of nothing more than that crazy mom at the grocery store who constantly yells at the misbehaving children to act right or else.
I am not quitting brewing because of the forum, but my experience in the forums over the past 6 months did contribute to my loss of interest in the hobby.