Pepper Plants

I have a small raised garden in my yard - mostly for herbs, but I plant some other stuff like peppers, greens, etc.  I try to keep it as organic as possible, but I realize there are times when one must compromise.

I’m having a devil of a time with my jalapenos and banana pepper plants currently - snails, that’s right, snails, are eating my peppers.

I use Neem oil spray to help keep most pests away from my herbs, but it doesn’t seem to deter the snails in the least.

Anyone for mexicali escargot??

You could try copper tape along the top of the raised bed. I would recommend applying to the vertical surface. It’s not fool proof, but it does help.

I think diatomaceous earth (DE) will kill snails and can also be used for filtering beer.

Another option is beer traps. Bury a solo cup with the rim just above grade and add a few ounces of beer. The beer attracts them and the drown.

I feel somehow vulnerable to that. :wink:

lol.  Steve - was that serious?  Sounded sort of legit, yet also tongue in cheek at the same time.

It’s legit. Give it a search.

Beer is probably the best option because it’s not toxic to the plants or beneficial bugs (except the ones that drown in it). It is effective with snails and slugs.

DE is another good option because it’s non-toxic for the plants and humans. It will work on snails and slugs but it will also kill off other beneficial bugs, like earthworms. Every time it rains or you water you have to reapply.

There are other options like rock salt, coffee grounds and poison but whatever you put around the plant is going to be absorbed by the plant and ultimately by you. Even non-toxic options like salt and coffee grounds can be harmful to your plant even if it’s not harmful to you (excess salt and acidity).

+1 I use old tuna cans and bury them every few feet. The bad part is emptying them out.

thanks guys.  8)

My tuna can/ESB traps are working great to keep slugs and snails off of my dahlias.

You can sprinkle wood ash around the plants and snails etc.can’t go across. It needs to be replaced after it rains but don’t add too much or it will raise the ph beyond where you want it.