
Man I just LOVE red ripe jalapeno~  They get this yum yum flavor kinda sweet/hot…
I scored a LOT of the red ones out of this tote at a Utah farmers roadside stand.
I am not so up to speed on the Ghost Pepper or the Moruga Scorpion…They are just
not available unless I grow my own. I can tolerate Habanero sauce or having them
with something.


Nice.  My jalapenos usually start to rot by the time the ripen, so I have to pick most of them green.  My serranos turn red though and I did smoke a bunch of both and they are in the dehydrator as I write this.

I was wondering about doing that since a friend gave me a bunch, but I’ve eaten most of them by now.

That is awesome! Where do you live where they sell peppers on the side of the road? All of the produce stands near me only sell berries, fruit, flowers, and select vegetables!

We were on a road trip thru southern utah…

Yep, they’re everywhere around here. I bought 5 lb, diced them, and keep them in the freezer. Should last all year.

I loved this time of year when I lived in New Mexico and all the chili roasters were going full blast. The whole world smelled of roasting chilies.

Move somewhere where growing conditions are less favorable and you’ll find that peppers are one of the few things that grow in any abundance.