I am near Lansing, Michigan, and I have a Picobrew Zymatic for sale (normally about $1900 new without keg). I have beer in the keg that it came with, so I’m not able to sell that. This will, however, work with any type of ball-lock keg that seals well (I have used it successfully with others), so if you’ve got one then you can use this as soon as you get it.
If you have sound brewing skills (fermentation, mostly) and can make a good recipe then you will get good beer from this. I have been successful in home-brew competitions with my non-Zymatic brew, and I would stack anything that comes out of the Zymatic right up against the other stuff.
I am selling this just because I use it less than I thought I would. It works great as long as the instructions are followed (run a rinse cycle before and after every brew, and a wash cycle after every 3). This helps to keep the system clog-free and keeps it working as you would expect.
There is a common issue with these having minor amounts of wort dripping out of the front corners of the unit during brews that are at the upper end of the maximum grist weight (recipes with lower amounts of grain have not had this issue), but there are work-arounds for this on the Picobrew forum (which you will have access to after you register this unit). It just might be good to put this on a tray while you’re using it. You can see evidence of this in the first picture under the lower-right corner.
Here are some pictures:
Let me know if you are interested, and thanks for looking!