Hello Everyone,
I brew a beer during couple of years and now almost ready to give up.
I’m looking for most automated and most all-in-one apparatus for all grain homebrewing. Ideally - put grain, push button, get beer.
It seems to me the Brewie is most advanced system. But this is actually only wort-maker.
Can somebody recommend something else?
From my observation Zymatic (Z) is also only wort maker.
Someone has posted suggestion here, but now I cannot find it here. May be in another thread? Weird…
Anyway, what do you think about PBS-1101? Fareo Inc makes it.
yeah it makes wort, boils it, hops it and all you have to do is add yeast and ferment it, i dont think there is any system that makes “beer” they all make wort, the yeast and fermentation makes the beer
Just looked at that Fareo unit on their website. It is far less automated than the Z. Not really automated at all. You have to put in the grain bag, manually stir in the grain with a spoon, scoop out the grain after mashing, manually add hops and any additional ingredients during the boil when you want… add the yeast and pop on an airlock after cooling… prime and bottle with a hose at the end of fermentation… in other words, it’s a very expensive, giant thing that needs to be permanently connected to your plumbing and electrical systems, and does exactly what a cheap pot and a plastic bucket will do. (Make really oxidized beer.) And they’re apparently still looking for sufficient interest to put it into production. I haven’t the foggiest idea what the appeal of an automated system is, but this really has me scratching my head. If you really have money just burning a hole in your pocket, please send me some.
So Denny, what would you recommend for merlin? i think the Z probably the best option for his needs, i dont have much knowledge on all in one brew systems except for the mash and boil and the grainfather, but seeing he wants a beer machine rather then a brewing system i have no clue
Yes, I see it. But, look at the specs. The fermentation range starts from 46F. I can make ferment lagers, easily. Plus cold crash mode.
Could you please explain, why the beer will be oxidized?
Oxidation because there is apparently no way to separate trub before fermentation, and because you will be bottling just as you would with a bucket. Some day there will probably be a system that ferments, carbonates, and packages all in a closed system. If it separated trub, you could have very fresh beer.
Yes it is temperature controlled. But you then have to wait for a batch to be bottled before brewing the next, since it’s all in one piece of equipment. For a lot less money, you could get a system (automated or not) to produce your wort, and also multiple, temperature controlled fermenters, or a temperature controlled fermentation chamber.
Look into a unitank with BIAB? I think you can mash, boil, chill, ferment, dump yeast, carb, bright tank and serve all in one vessel…you still have brewing and cleaning…, but I could be wrong, as I haven’t looked that closely at those things.
As I recall the conclusion was basically what I pointed out here: you’d do better to have one, separate, wort production system and separate fermentation vessels and control, so you have a flexible process. Why invest in a big, expensive system that limits you to brewing only a limited number of batches per year?
Scooping 12 lbs. of spent grain out of a mesh bag with a ladle (sorry, grain extractor) seems ill conceived?
Seriously though, I think you would be extremely disappointed if you purchased it. If you are looking for something automated, there are better options out there (though I don’t know of any off the shelf product that is fully automated from grain to glass).