Pimp My System Question

How to post pictures?
Tried the Attachment and other options, tried to paste into text box.

You can’t u/l pics directly.  You need to host them somewhere (I use Photobucket) then use the image button (second from left in second row above) to post the link.

Thank you.

I was going to post some pictures of things I have made in my pub that I made: hard plumbed single level 15 gallon mobile brew system, grain mills (one I made for Hwy 1 Brew Comp.), various brew day helper items, 2 different stills…
I will post if the forum ever allows direct uploading.
Thanks again,

You can upload them via mobile if you use Tapatalk. Very easy.

Use extreme caution if considering uploading pictures of stills…

AAMOF, please don’t upload the here.  This forum is for homebrewing, not distilling.

I linked from Google pics…