OK, so long story kind of short. I brewed Sunday night. I pitched two bags of 6 month old London Ale Wyeast. After four days (Thursday night) there was no change in gravity, no change in temp and no krausen. So I sprinkled a pack of Windsor on top, WAA-LAA activity ever since. My question is; are my flavors going to be all jacked up due to using two different kinds of yeast…and is it even work washing this yeast and keeping?
Post sounded to me like he pitched two “bags” (smack packs) of 6 month old yeast. Starter not for dry yeast obviously. Or, if you meant harvesting dry yeast: there’s no reason whatsoever you can’t harvest slurry from dry yeast.
Beer should be fine and you could reuse the yeast but it’s unlikely you are going to get the same results in subsequent batches because you would be pitching in different volumes and in a different sequence.