Pitched Yeast too Hot...

Hello all,

I know this question has been asked before, but wasn’t able to find a question that addressed some of the specifics.

My thermometer was reading 73F at the time I transferred my wort to the fermenter. I aerated then pitched my yeast (2L lager yeast starter at room temp) before I noticed that my fermenter’s temperature read 86F. Fortunately, I own a very good Chiller and I had it down to 73F within 10 minutes and down to 50F (fermenting temp) within 30. So my question is this: what’s the likelihood this had any affect on the yeast and/or fermentation? Would love to hear thoughts/opinions/knowledge.

TLDR: pitched lager yeast starter at 86F but wort was cooled down to 50F within 30 minutes. Any affect on beer?


It should be just fine.

As long as you do a d rest you should be fine.

No problem

Thanks everyone for the reply, much appreciated!

It’s likely ok.

There are some strains that are less forgiving. I had some problems with wlp029 kolsch. However, 34/70 on the other hand is a beast and can be pitched fairly hot - although fermenting temps should be around 50f to 55f otherwise you’ll get some sulfur.