Pitching onto yeast cake after a day

I am brewing a batch tomorrow and will be using the yeast cake from a batch that I would like to keg today. Is it a horrible idea to keg, leave the yeast cake in the bucket, and put the lid with airlock back on until tomorrow?

Obviously, sanitation would be the main concern. I have a busy day tomorrow and don’t know if I can try to keg and brew. I realize it is more of a judgment call so do anyone do this on a regular basis by chance?

I think you’ll be okay but seal the bucket and keep it at 40F or below for best results.

I have done what you describe a couple of times, with one tweak.  After I siphon the beer off the yeast, I dump in a can of factory beer like PBR or Coors so that the yeast remains covered with beer.  Then I try to siphon off the factory beer as much as I can (tilting the fermentor) before adding the fresh wort to the yeast cake.

I don’t know if its necessary, but I just don’t like the idea of the yeast cake being exposed to air.

Thanks guys. I wanted to get as much beer off the yeast since it is a darker beer than the one I will be brewing. Adding a commercial beer just to keep it covered is an interesting idea.

Do you have time to rinse yeast with pre-boiled water and store in fridge?  I’ve always had good results doing this and process does not take very long.  I’ve kept yeast this way for a few weeks will no ill effect.  I just decant residual beer, pour in pre-boiled water, mix and pour into a sanitized mason jar.  Mix up really well, wait 15-20 min then pour into another sanitized jar leave as much of the trub behind as possible.  Process takes 30 min (maybe closer to an hour if you need to boil and cool water down).

I have done that before but it doesn’t make sense this time around to me since I will be using the yeast tomorrow. I am looking for the simplest idea and to me moving the yeast has a greater risk of contamination.

i have done  this often no worries