Recently listened to a Jamil Z podcast on bavarian hefe in preperation for a brew. He recommends a 30 degree C rule for fermentation. Meaning pitching temp and ferm temp add to 30 degree celcius. It is also recomended by JZ to ferment this brew at 62 F.
So i was planning to cool as low as possible with my immersion chiller and the place the wort in a chest freezer to get it to 58 F (with the 3068 smack pack in the fridge or freezer as well) Aerate, pitch and allow it to raise to 62 and hold it there. I brought this up at a home brew meeting and the thought it was a bad idea. 1. Yeast would be shocked and go dormant. 2. Wyeast recomends a higher ferm temp for this strain. 3. If i were to do it i need to pitch more than 1 smack pack.
In Eric Warner’s German Wheat he recommends pitching at 59*, but up to 68* is “acceptable.” He also says “Fermentation temperatures of 72* should not be exceeded.”
On my last Hefe I followed JZ’s advice on pitching and ferm temps. The beer came out really nice. I noticed after a week though the fermentation really slowed down and I was still several points away from my gravity. So I raised the temp to 68 and it started back up and finished out pretty quickly.
Just brewed a Hefe, and I pitch at 58, ramp to 62 for the bulk of fermenation and get it up to 68 towards the end to help things clean up and give a touch more banana character. You can really play with temps to achieve what you want as the beer itself is very yeast dependant. I’ve found most of Wyeast or White Labs “recommended” pitching temps are not very accurate, or recommended for optimal yeast activity, not necessarily the optimal flavor or flavor you’re looking for.
As for pitchign rates, that is another thing that could be played with to achieve desired esters. The regular pitch rate for a hefe would be about 2 smack packs but some underpitch intentionally, myself included( I pitch about the equivalent of 1.5 smack packs, using 1 pack and making the appropriate size starter).
I cool my wort down to 60 -62 then pitch my 3068. I usually smack my 3068 a couple of hours before pitching it and just let is sit at room temp. I’ve never put in in a fridge after smacking it, so not sure what that would do to it.
I ferment 3068 at 64 - 66 degrees and get a good balance of flavors. I brew 3 gallon batches and don’t do a starter and according to Mr. Malty I don’t need a starter or I’m just barely under pitching.
At the NHC in San Diego, we tried several hefes that were fermented differently. The cooler one tasted best.
The 30C pitch + ferment rule is a German notion, and is mentioned in Warner’s book (not surprising, that’s where he trained).
I usually go 58-62F, depending on ambient conditions. The beers have a cleaner character (clean relative to hefe yeast expections) than warmer ferments. You might get more banana warmer (then again, you may not), but you definitely get more other things that tend to detract from the finished flavor profile.