Plastic Bucket vs. Stainless Conical?

Decades ago I used plastic buckets for making beer. Then switched to all stainless after a few years.

To augment my current brewery capacity, I am considering getting some plastic buckets.

What has your experience been? Can you make the same quality of beer in plastic buckets as you can in stainless steel vessels?

I think you can make great beer in plastic buckets. The only thing is making sure the spigots (if equipped) are clean, clean, clean but that can be said of any fermentation vessel.

I used buckets for years and still find them a great alternative when all my conicals are full.  Even better than buckets are the Genesis fermenters from Brewcraft.

The only real downside of buckets is they are o2 permeable but as long as you don’t age in them they are a great, cheap fermenter

I agree and would just get ones without spigots.

Spigots are easy to clean and cheap to replace and make racking super easy and easier to rack without picking up excessive o2

And get one of those tools to help remove the lid. My only beef with buckets is getting the lids off.

I’ve had good luck with the Chapman Stainless fermenters.  Not conical, just a stainless bucket with a much better seal, easier lid retention, easier to clean.  Pretty good price point, esp. when occasionally on sale.

Fair points. It’s not hard to disassemble, clean, and sanitize a spigot.

I have two 15 gallon Chapman SS fermenters.  They work great and have lasted more than a decade.  Easy to clean and you can eliminate beerstone with a dairy acid wash soaking.  The only drawback is they are not pressurizable…but they replaced a broken lid clamp for free when I allowed a bit too much pressure to form in mine!


We have 3 Delta Systems Conical SS fermenters (8 gal), and they are great. Also we have 3 Anvil 4 gallon SS fermenters.
Just looking for an inexpensive way to add another way to ferment.
Might go with a nice bucket, and a racking tube.

Take a look at this…marked way down and much superior to buckets…Carboys

Thanks! Ordered 2!

I didn’t know this tool existed! I’ll be looking asap.

Apparently you need to get one that matches your bucket and lid.

I use these all the time. My fermenter tops actually rarely need it but 5 gallon buckets of honey are beastly to remove without it.

These are so cheap I wished I needed them.

That looks excellent-if I was in the market for a new fermenter that would be it.

Only $12! You can always use another fermenter!

I am trying to get the cellar cleaned out so I can build a proper brewery and have been giving my wife grief about getting new stuff and not getting rid of old so I would be hypocritical to get these because I have plenty fermenters that work perfectly well.