Pliny Documentary

A short video about Russian River Brewing Company’s Pliny the Younger

(and they pronounce it ‘pliney’ not ‘plinny’, hah! :wink: )

grr (on pronunciation - I love me some PtE… PtY is a fine treat, but I’m not down for the uber drastic hype of it)

I agree.  Both Plinys are good beers, but neither are particularly earth-shattering groundbreakers in my estimation, and the hype is certainly overblown (albeit apparently quite effective). 
Definitely well made beers, though

They brew good beer, and may choose to pronounce the name of their beer however they choose, but their ignorance of latin is obvious.

Gaius Plinius Secundus, aka Pliny the Elder, was not pronounced ply knee thee elder.