Portable Kegerator

Here’s a quick & dirty portable kegerator I put together recently. I used the garbage can a few times last summer with picnic taps on the kegs. It worked pretty good so I decided to take it to the next level and add faucets and a bit of insulation (camping pad). I need to add a drain so I can attach a length of tubing to drain the water away from it. I’m thinking a bottling bucket spigot might do the trick. Other ideas are most welcome! Here are a few pics.  Cheers, and thanks for looking!!!

The Portable Kegerator fully assembled:

Top view from the front:

Top view from the back:

Rear view with the hole for the CO2 line:

I used the leftover camping pad material to insulate the lid a bit:



Is there space in there for a small CO2 tank or do you have to run it through the back like you have it? I’m thinking of something like that for myself.

My 15 lb. tank will fit inside with the 2 kegs. I just chose to leave it out to allow more space for the ice, but it really depends on the size of the garbage can.  I took a tape measure to Menards when I picked this one out. I think it was under $10 and it’s very sturdy. Cheers!!!

No wheels? ;D

Elegantly simple. I like.

There’s probably a dolly made to fit it.  They are usually available for most bigger plastic trash cans.  You always need a Version 2 or an upgrade.  :wink:


Yes wheels… a 2-wheel cart will do the job. It’s hanging in the garage.  ;)

Nice!  I would personally opt for something with a faster flow than a bottling bucket spigot… Like a 1/4 turn threaded valve connected to some old garden hose. Which also seems more durable and resistant to dirt, etc…

Now that has some merit. The faucets are a bit too low & a person must stoop to pour. A dolly with wheels might raise it to the perfect pour level, for me anyway.  Cheers!!!

I thought about a valve but was thinking brass. A 1/4 turn valve might just be the ticket.  Thanks!!!

Update:  I added a drain valve, wheels and some advertising.  Cheers!!!

Drain valve components:

Drain valve & furniture cart:

Drain valve inside:

AHA stickers:

Thanks for looking!

Cool… the five caster snap in wheels are awesome…


That’s a small dolly. I don’t think his can accomodates the wheel attachment.

Yes, looks like he used a residential can. I got mine at a restaurant supply, 44g’s. A janitorial supply would have it too, plus the snap in casters.

One of my primary objectives was to keep the cost down, within my budget.

Here’s a breakdown:
Garbage Can $8.00
Faucet assemblies $50.00
Insulation $6.00
QD’s & hoses & clamps $25.00
Drain Faucet $8.00
CO2 Tank - I have a spare tank so no additional cost
Furniture Dolly -  I already had this so no additional cost
Wood - Had a piece of cedar laying around
Duct tape - $ negligible.
AHA stickers - $ one family membership for 3 years
Total out of pocket cost ~$100


I been looking to make one of these for awhile, but I always though it would be more expensive.  Looks like I’ve got a new project in the hopper, and another reason for my girlfriend to be annoyed with me.

[quote]and another reason for my girlfriend to be annoyed with me.

If shes not annoyed, you’re doing it wrong