So, I wanted to make a cool portable kegerator for my 5 gallon cornies. I have seen the trash can method with ice, but I wanted a more personal kegerator. So I got the idea to use a 15 gallon roller cooler. My issue was that the kegs were way to tall for it. So I put on an extension, insulated it up, and put two holes for the tap. Right now I have picnic taps connected, but I am planning on putting real taps on soon. It fits two 5 gallon cornies pretty snuggly. Just add ice or frozen water bottles and it stays cold for a long time. I took it out to the lake for about 4 hours and the temp was perfect the entire time. I also use the CO2 cartridges just to push the beer. Just a short burst as the level goes down. I added a chalkboard so I can write what is in each keg also.
I am really happy with this and I think it looks really cool! What do you guys think?