They will probably be fine so long at nothing started prior to the freeze. It would be pretty early is the season for any action. It has been beautiful here and I saw mine starting last weekend.
I wish I could remember the source on this but I remember reading that some need to have freezing temperatures over winter. Others just have to be cold.
I have mine in half wine barrels in my back yard. All I do is add a nice layer of compost over top in the fall after I cut them back. I am sure they froze solid a couple of years back. No problem.
I remember reading something similar, though I don’t remember where either. That’s the reason why I didn’t try and put them in the garage. The plants are sitting in 25-gallon pots on the front patio of our condo.
No growth yet, but I don’t expect any. Temps in my area will stay cold for a few weeks yet, I expect mid March I may see something start.
To winter over the hops I just covered the pots with leaves. Since my wife and I live in a condo, that was pretty much all we had available. When it snows I leave the snow on them, as that should make a nice blanket for them.
I’ve been growing hops in half wine barrels for about 5 years. After harvest, I cut the vines to an inch or so, and cover with some leaves from the yard as a mulch.
It’s worked great, and this year I had to pull root-balls and trim lots of rhizomes. Probably should have done it last year, as they were all quite root bound. But they grew grew great last year. It will be interesting to see how they do the first year after chopping up the root-balls.
It should be noted that I live in the maritime northwest, and get probably 10-15 days of sub-freezing weather at the most.