Primary - Aging Question

I’ve only done one beer (last year’s winter warmer) which I transferred to a secondary fermenter and let sit for for an extended period of time (6 mos).  I’m currently fermenting a Belgian Dubbel and planning to leave it in the fermenter for 2-3 months before kegging.  My question is, would it be OK to just leave it in the primary fermenter for 2-3 months or should I transfer to a secondary fermenter after a month and let sit another 1-2 months?  I’m not adding anything to the beer post fermentation if that makes any difference.  Thanks!

I’d get it off the yeast if I was going to age it. And I would age in the bottle personally

That’s what I’m thinking, but if it is OK to leave in primary I’ll do that.  I plan on kegging to get a good carbonation on it and then bottling half using my Blichmann Beer Gun.

Age in keg. I’d be worried about yeast dying and rupturing (Autolysis) and destroying your great beer.

Oh, I didn’t think of that!  I’ll do that, transfer to keg, put some CO2 to purge out the O2 and let sit in my basement for a month or two.  Then connect it up in the fridge and carbonate it.  Thanks!

No problem glad to help. There are experts here that can go much deeper on the subject. Good luck. Wish I had your patience

You will not have an autolysis problem after 2-3 months.

Thanks, I was wondering how long it takes to start worrying about autolysis.  I keg most of my beers after 4-6 weeks in primary.  If it is OK to just leave it for 2 months, then I’ll do that and keg it.

I’ll be brewing my winter warmer soon and will age that till December.  Unlike last year when I aged in a secondary carboy, I’ll take Jim’s suggestion and age it in a keg (this gives me an excuse to get more kegs!)