Prime dose carbonation tablets

Have any of you used them, and if so, did you have good results?

Thanks in advance for you reply.

I have used the coppers drops for two small batches and have been happy so far. The primedose seems a bit too expensive for me at twice the price of the coopers.

I also don’t trust the reviews on Northern Brewer. Too many 4+ star reviews and I have read many bad reviews on the big mouth bubblers on other sites. I’m just wary.

whats the skinny on big mouth bubblers?

I like the big mouth bubbler; it isn’t reserved for any special type of recipe or anything. I just got swept up by the novelty and possibility of being able to really “clean” a glass carboy. Put a brew hauler on the thing and portability isn’t really a problem. They do seem a bit thinner than the typical carboy, so I store it on the cardboard squares that come in the packaging. Just a precaution. They aren’t 100% great, though. The real design flaw comes with the lid. The flimsy gasket has given me pause in the past, but the designers really missed the boat by not creating a neck in the lid that can accommodate a #7 stopper. The stopper I have used isn’t even numbered, but it looks to be two or so clicks smaller than the 7. And even then, the seal to the big mouth lid is sketchy. Not ideal for blowoff. So, if, in the next round, the manufacturers consider adjusting the size of the lid’s neck, they might really be on to something.

i bought a 6.5 gal glass big mouth when they first came out. i agree with the stopper size- should be  #7 because i havent been able to use my dual hole stopper for thermowell. i haven’t had any issues with gaskets as you mentioned, but I would add ears to the lid to make it easier to grip and screw on an doff-mostly off because that lid locks down pretty tight during fermentation.

other than that i love it-easy to clean and thats a huge + in my book.

I have read about catastrophic failures with the glass. Some believe it is due to the large opening and lack of structural support that a normal carboy has. I have also read of micro cracks in brand new units.

With the plastic, I have read about warping of the opening, sagging, and poor seal. The seal I could deal with, warping and sagging I cannot.

I have basically read enough to make me spend the extra dough on speidels when I get around to upgrading. It’s sad, I was excited for the plastic version.

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I have always forced carbonated.  Although over the past year or so, in an effort to ensure we get 6 corny’s out of every batch, we get 35 gallons in the fermenter.  Oftentimes, there is a gallon or so left, after filling the 6 cornys, so I bought the prime dose.  So far the results have been fine.  As I have never bottle conditioned previously, I have nothing to compare it to, but I like Prime Dose, and will buy another jar.