Priming Sugar

Bottle Conditioning:  I have always used raw cane sugar for my priming. I am curious if anyone has noticed any differences from the different sugars out there for this use?  What about DME?

I switched from dextrose (expensive at the LHBS) to table salt and have not noticed any difference. Very happy with the change

Don’t use salt! :wink:

oops, table sugar. That I would have noticed a difference on, thanks Stevie

Years ago I did an experiment using different things for priming…varieties of sugar, DME, honey, force carbing…after a suitable period to allow them all to go into solution, no one could tell one from the other or had a preference for any of them.

It’s kind of what I was thinking but didn’t know for sure. Thought maybe the DME could change the mouthfeel. Definitely not worth the cost change.

You use so little of any priming that it really has little to no effect on beer quality.

What Denny said. I usually use corn sugar, but if low or out of it I’ll use whatever I’ve got on hand and have never noticed any difference.

I use organic corn sugar just because I have it around and after putting all good ingredients in my beer I always hated using a crappy corn product. The important thing is to use a calculator to get the right amount of whatever. Measure by weight if you can.

This gave me a good chuckle.  Sounds like something the guys at my local club meetings would do just to try something new.

I use dextrose simply because of habit. In the end, I doubt anyone can tell the difference. The only difference might come from using DME, which can throw a ring of debris around the neck of the bottle.

When using dextrose does one boil water and then make a “syrup” or would rack into bottling bucket on to dry?

If you make a “syrup” what’s a good ratio?


No syrup.  Just boil enough to dissolve, pour into bottling bucket and rack on top.  Or pour sugar solution in after beer and gently stir.  I haven’t bottled in so long I can’t remember the ratio I want to say it was 2/3 cup of for a 5 gallon batch of beer.

Thanks man,

Same thing I do 50mil h20 to 2oz of dextrose. I had to ask being there are so many ways to do things and so many different opinions.


It has been a good long time since I bottled, but I naturally carbonate my kegs sometimes and always use about 1/2 cup of water and some sugar, boil it and then let it cool a bit (not all the way to room temp), then I toss it in and give it a swirl.

Amount of water doesn’t really matter.  Just use enough to dissolve the sugar.  My ROT is 1 oz. sugar per gal. of beer, but I like pretty high carbonation.

Thanks Denny,

I only brew 3 gallon batches so 2oz gives me about 2.5 vol/c02 if I remember right.

I have used brown sugar on occasion, and it imparts a bit of noticeable flavor.

I’m going to bottle some Golden Strong and Saison this weekend. It has been a long time. Ive always used Dextrose. I add after I fill my bucket so I know exactly how much I have. I have been bottling from my keg when needed. I found some 18 month old Saison in the back of the fridge. The bottle conditioned were still pretty good. The one from the keg were oxidized. 
Bottle conditioning for anything long term is the only way to go IMO.