Problem with my Smoked Porter w/ peppers

Okay, so to start, I’m a fairly new homebrewer.  I recently decided to make an attempt to add chipolte peppers to a recipe for a smoked proter extract kit from Brewer’s Best (  I brewed according to the recipe and then added 10 peppers to the wort for the last 15 minutes of the 60 minute boil.  My SG was 1.050 (recipe called for 1/058-1.062 so i was a bit off).  The problem is that the fermentation stated the following day and appeared to stop in about 2 1/2 days.  I let it sit for an additional 3 days (7 days total) and then today transfered it into secondary.  The reading i took today said that it was 1.020 (FG should be 1.014-1.017).  I tasted a sample and it didn’t appear to have the smoke or chipolte flavor I was looking for or expecting.  My question is, should I be worried that something got messed up?  Could my addition of the peppers in some way ruin this batch?  Any suggestions will help.  Regardless i’m going to let it all play out and see what the final product is like.

Was this a full boil or did you top off with water? With an extract kit, as long as your volume is correct, the OG will be what’s specified. So the low OG reading is probably just due to stratification of the water and wort.

2.5 days of active fermentation wouldn’t be unusual for a ~1.060 beer, especially if the temperature was on the high side (over 68°F, and that’s beer temp, not air temp).

NEVER transfer a beer that hasn’t reached the targeted FG. Taking it away from the yeast will just make it harder to get restarted, assuming you could anyway. In this particular case, though, I don’t think a 1.020 FG is all that unusual. Warm it up into the low 70s and swirl it up a few times a day. If it wasn’t finished fermenting, there will still be some yeast present and that will let them finish up. Then in another week or two, if the gravity hasn’t changed, you can keg or bottle.

Ya my SG was taken after adding the water prior to the yeast.  After transferring it yesterday, I noticed that my fermentation started a little again.  I think it will turn out fine, but being new to it was I concerned.  Thanks for the advice.  I listened to the wrong people who told me to transfer it.  I will let it play out and if it doesn’t then it’s a lesson learned and I will try again.

If the fermentation started a little and then petered out, then what you saw is not fermentation, but carbon dioxide reequilibrating between the headspace and the beer.

To get the fermentation to restart warm the beer up and give it time.  You can also try to rouse any yeast that precipitated out by swirling the beer.

If you still dont have that chili flavor you want, add a few more chipotles to secondary.

Just to update, my batch came out great.  It has a nice smoke flavor.  It took my 22oz bottles a little while to carbonate but they are a crowd pleaser now.