Pump reviews

I am thinking about adding a pump to my all gravity system. The main reason is to recirculate my mash but no longer lifting large kettles of scalding strike or sparge liquor is a pro as well. I also have the future idea of adding a RIMS tube and I believe this would be step one. I am leaning towards Chuggar. I’d like to hear your thoughts.

The chugger pumps are definitely the way to go.  I use two in my electric brewery and they work great!  A little more time to clean and a small learning curve, but beats picking up hot wort and water.

The March, Chugger, and Blichmann pumps all seem to be produced by the same mfr. The motors look the same to me. The pump heads are different, but they seem to perform similarly. I’m not sure there is a big difference.

I’ve got a March 815 and it performs well. I do like the features on the Blichmann. I understand that the Blichmann discharge valve can be a little more prone to clogging since its a needle valve style, but if you don’t have debris in your flow stream, that shouldn’t be a concern.

I like my Chugger, Center Inlet. Switched from a Steelhead version 1 Inline to the Chugger Center Inlet. A lot less issues priming, and no cavitation issues.

Thx folks

I have a chugger pump.

It works well, though sometimes it is annoying to prime,  It is obnoxiously loud, but I just bought some pump oil which I’m hoping will help.

If I was in the market, I would look at the MKII with stainless steel head.  I hear they are very quiet, though I don’t have any personal experience with them.

A friend uses the Topsflo TD5 and that little guy rocks - good throughput, rarely a cavitation issue, and is nearly silent.  I’ve been very impressed with it, but it probably still needs a couple more years on the market to see how the longevity stands up to the rest of the competition.  If it were $20 cheaper I think most folks would own one ;D

I’ve had 2 little giants that have been trouble free. I would buy something with the stainless head. You have that your good to go.

I went from March to TDS Topsflo a year or so ago, when I added a second pump.  The annoying whine is gone and I run TDS Topsflo as both pumps (BIAB HERMS recirc through HLT coil and recirc of HLT tank water with electric element as HERMS tank).

I throttle through ball valves on the outflow side of the pumps, but I run the HERMS HLT water tank recirc wide open.  No complaints and they work seemingly as well as the March pump with almost silent operation.

I’ve had a March 809 for about a decade (150 batches) with nary a problem. I take down the head about every two years for a deep cleaning, not that there’s ever been anything in there. I’d like to do it a little more frequently but it’s a plastic head and a little delicate.

FWIW, last time I looked at homebrew pumps about a year ago, everything that was advertised as a stainless head still used a plastic impeller. Caveat emptor et al.

I just saw this new pump from Anvil. I thought you might be interested.

It’s $20 cheaper than the lowe$t I’ve seen but I already pulled the trigger on a Chugger.

To give a little background on those mentioned above…
We (March) started making the 809 series pumps back in 1969 for the home hydronics markets…about 10-15yrs ago the solar industry latched onto them as they are rated to 250* so they really like them…that and the fact we do make 12 and 24v versions of them. Some 5-6yrs ago the home brewers starting using our pumps for the same temp reasons. We try and source motors and parts as much as possible from US sources but even US companies are getting stuff made in china and mexico so its getting harder and harder everyday. We do most of the machining here in-house along with plastic molding. The only thing coming from China direct to us here are magnets, as there are very few US sources for those…

The “other guys” used to be one of our distributors…they took one of our 809’s to china and had it copied.
Then we think the company they took it to, went and made their own version and the topsflo was born as its the exact same pump head as well just a different motor driver.
Blichmann was picking our brains on their own design…we helped them in some of their testing and we went back and forth on some of their design…but they are basically making their own pump. Its a very nice unit…i’d say it would have been our next generation 809 if we were to ever make a beer only type pump…but they have it covered so we have no interest in it. :slight_smile: