Pump Selection

Been toying with the idea of getting a pump to transfer water from HLT to MLT because I want to change my setup. Any suggestions on a good, reasonably priced pump for this?

Most Homebrewers use March pump. Check homebrew shop for pricing.

By far the most popular. What I bought. Consider buying some food-grade silicone tubing as well!

I see NB has an 809 and 815. Would the 809 be sufficient? Also, is the flow controllable, or is it wide open when it runs?

Check out the Chugger pump. Seems to be the same pump and motor as the March but it has a stainless pump head for the price of a plastic one from March.

I recently got the Chugger Pump w/ the stainles steel head.  Works great and was a few $$ cheaper than the March Pump.

They are the same pumps with different impellers.

You need to throttle the outlet with a ball valve.

Even though it says not to restrict the outflow side?

I’m not sure about March Pumps, but my Chugger Pump states not to restrict flow to the inflow.  I’ve attached a ball valve on the outflow.  When I was researching pumps, this is how most (March and Chugger Pumps) people have theirs set up.

I also recommend some cam fittings, they make it easy to change and remove your lines to the pump/ ball valve.  I got mine at my LHBS but check our Bargainfittings.com, I’ve gotten a few items from them.

I misread. It said not to restrict flow, only on the output side. That makes sense since you have to prime it.

I have the March 809 with the 815 impeller and I’ve never buy the 809 again. What a huge difference in priming and flow after upgrading the impeller!

I also have a Chugger stainless head with the larger impeller. I think they come with an impeller almost the size of the March 815, and the impellers are interchangeable between brands as well as I’ve done it.

The March 809 although becoming a standard is clearly not the best for our hobby. The 815 or Chugger works better than the 809, and the center input model with the larger (3/4"?) input I’ve seen work even better, and would be the one I’d buy next if I needed another pump.

My installations are textbook proper per the manufacturers so the only variable has been the impellers. Don’t buy the 809 if at all possible.

I just got the 815 impeller for my 809but I haven’t had time to install it yet.

I bought the chugger. I’ll let you know how it works for us. I also decided to buy a Blichmann Plate chiller as well. What tha hell!

[quote]I have the March 809 with the 815 impeller and I’ve never buy the 809 again. What a huge difference in priming and flow after upgrading the impeller!


me too!  The impeller upgrade makes a huge difference.

So the impeller in the Chugger is small as well?  Does the chugger ss head fit on the March pump?

I love my March pump. I’ve had it for a few years, and I abuse it, and it keeps on going (so far). I use it for mash and cooling recirc.

I do wish I could take it apart more easily and clean it. TC connections would be great, but so far I haven’t had any problems cleaning it via CIP after a brewday.

I brew 5-10 gallon batches, so I don’t really need the larger impeller (I don’t use full flow except for cooling recirc). I don’t use a grant on my mash tun, so I figured the additional suction would further compact my grain bed.