If you had to pick one recipe/style to brew for a contest that was looking for not just accuracy to style but potential commercial appeal and impact what would you brew?
It’s not a poll because there would be too many choices.
The only restriction is it would have to be at it’s best within 6 weeks of brewday max.
I am seriously considering this. I have a CAP recipe that has done well in contests. I know I can do it 6 weeks grain to glass even if it’s pushing it a bit.
This is also a strong contender. My marzen is my wifes favorite of my recipes and she’s pulling for this one.
I always worry that the belgian categories will be mobbed. But I do have a sort of BDS/wheat wine thing already brewed that I could enter if it came to it.
Using an accelerated lager schedule (like Tasty’s or brulosophy), I say IPL. I’ve had good ones ready in that time frame. I think I used WLP940 last time.
Edit - With the popularity of IPA through the roof, I saw it for the ‘potential commercial appeal and impact’. Plus, it can be a really good beer.
If we are looking at things from a broad appeal point of view, CAP wins hands down. It’s the only beer style I have brewed that has appealed to the BMC members of my family as well as the craft beer members of my family. Most craft beer drinkers believe that the beer is all malt until they learn that it is not. What used to be really cool before my grandparent’s and most of my parent’s generation passed was the look of approval that I received when the men from these generations took their first sip. It’s the beer that they remembered from a period of time before consolidation drove the smaller players out of business.
I’d go pale lager (CAP/helles/dort/Pils) if you’re targeting the BMC crowd; Maerzen or Alt if you’re targeting the Sam Adams crowd; and some novel IPA variant if you’re targeting the craft brew crowd. IPL is good, or maybe something like hibiscus or fruit added to a “normal” IPA. Saison is another popular choice with the craft brew crowd that would work as well.
I guess I am misunderstanding what you want to know. Commercial mass appeal, Belgian wheat works well with men and women, is very easy to make and fast turn around. Also, I don’t see a lot of good competition in the market (and I don’t consider Blue Moon or Shocktop “good” competition.)
If you are looking for something like a “pro-am” comp then I am afraid I am probably not the best to give advice. Brew what you want and may the best beer win.
That’s a good point. And very timely. it’s a hybrid sort of comp. first you have to get past a BCJP style homebrew comp and then there is a final round between the top two beers that is a peoples’ choice situation. So the belgian wheat idea, If I could pull it off in stellar fashion would be great. Unfortunately, while I quite enjoy most of the wit beers I have brewed, those I have entered into comps have never done all that well. No reflection on the quality of your advice but on the quality of my…er… wit.
I think wit would be a good popular choice. But I think a Belgian Blond Ale would be a crowd pleaser as well. I see a lot of women drinking Leffe Blond nowadays. My dark horse would be a Cali Common. It’s malty, it’s hoppy, it’s not too light, and quick turn around. Should have mass appeal, and I truly enjoy a well made Common.