Quick Disconnects for Gas Lines

I have a dual gauge regulator with multiple (3-way and 2-way) distributors/manifolds hanging off them with 5-6 pin and ball lock connectors hanging off them.  I’m constantly moving the tank, regulator, and hoses…to sanitize kegs, do closed transfers, serve kegs, etc.  This becomes a PITA.

I was hoping there would be a simpler way to connect and disconnect the lines from the distributors/manifolds.  The swivel nuts are ok but sometimes get stuck and don’t swivel easily.  I was looking for something that is more plug and go…

I founds these but reviews haven’t been fantastic:


Any other approaches people use?

I don’t have close to the tangled mess it sounds like you have, but just enough mess that, in the situations you mention (moving everything to do a transfer, etc.) it does make me think there’s an easier way.  Maybe at some point the simplest thing is to leave the draught system in place, and just keep a separate bottle of gas with a single regulator and short line on hand, just for the mobile ops?  Just a thought.

Yup, you are probably right.  Good thought and probably can watch for deals for a cheap regulator and tank…might ultimately be less than additional hardware.  Thx!

I went with a single small tank and separate regulator and line for this type of thing.  Then I went with a mini regulator with disposable CO2 cartridges for ultra portability…cost is an issue but I don’t use it often.  It is handy, though.

I have a couple of those connectors in my system.  I needed a way to hook up a beer gun and it seemed like an easy way to insert all the connections at one time.

I haven’t had any trouble with them.  I admit I don’t use the beer gun very often but the coupler in my main gas line from the regulator has never given me any trouble.


I use standard brass pneumatic disconnects on my gas lines.  They work just fine, though over time they seem to wear out and not hold a good seal.  Mine have been in service for probably 10 years, maybe more.

I also have a portable set up for use as needed.

One thing I need to do is add check valves on the lines, but that’s got nothing to do with the QDs.