Fail buying on amazon

This was a while back but I thought I’d save you the hassle I had.  I bought a bunch of gas and liquid quick disconnects on amazon and paid the price.  They were absolute garbage.  Some of them fit but others no. The plastic was brittle and cracked on some.  I looked at my older connecters and they were all CM Becker with a CMB on the side.  I tried to continue using CMB.  I recently went to buy some at my homebrew shop and he had switched to kegland.  I bought those and they seemed to work well.  I will not be trying to save a buck on connecters in the future.  I will try to stick with cmb or kegland.  Has anybody else had similar experiences?

I have also purchased some crappy QDs from Amazon. I also threw them out.

The new duotight connectors are also nice. They are also a kegland product.

I just buy hardware from Bobby. He’s straightened out my screw ups on more than one occasion so I’m loyal to a fault probably.

Disclaimer: Any comment I add is simply the way I brew beer. There are certainly other ways that can be equally effective which other brewers may contribute. This is what I’ve found that works for me using my equipment and processes so I offer this for your consideration. YMMV

I’ll second Bobby. I’ve gotten great products and great service.

I try to support my lhbs but it was just too great to pass up!  Who is this Bobby that you speak of and where do I find him?  But I still try to support my local shop.

I linked to his site in my comment