
Anybody here built a Randall?  Care to share your process?  What’s the purpose of having 2 chambers?

I built one out of a water filter.  I mount it upside down so the foam is away from the outlet valve.  I just cut a piece of pvc to fit in place of the filter, then slotted it.  I left the bottom 2/3 unslotted to force the beer to flow up through the hops first.  I have not seen a two chambered one, but I imagine it is for foam settling - there is a lot.

The second chamber is for foam settling, as Tom said. You can also put additional spices/fruits/etc. in second chamber. I’ve done hops in first chamber and crushed grapefruit in second to great success.

Thanks, guys!

Education please. What’s a Randall?

It is a device that allows you to dispense beer from a keg through a charge of hops or other flavor addition at serving time.


That’s an engineering masterpiece. Needs more brass though to make it steampunk.

yeah the pvc is a real turnoff. old, pantinaed brass is just the ticket

Can anyone explain why I would spend $288.00 on a Randall to infuse my beers with stuff (made of plastic, nonetheless) when I could buy the multipurpose Blichmann HopRocket (made of stainless) for $125?

That is, in this theoretical world where I need to spend more money on this hobby.  ::slight_smile:

yeah like that

Because this one goes to 11.

I don’t disagree with you, but the Dogfish Randall is made to be showy while the hoprocket is more utilitarian. I am surprised that they have not created a version out of stainless and pyrex.

doesn’t DFH release the plans for Randall? it’s open source so you can build it out of brass and steel if you like.

Because Randall’s are mostly just a gimmick, and people like to see whatever you are loading in the Randall chamber. and you can’t see jack behind a stainless steel hop rocket Randall. Just sayin

I don’t agree they are a gimmick.  They very clearly and drastically alter the flavor and aroma of a beer running through them.

Well, yeah. They do change the character of the beer. But from a commercial standpoint I can assure you that there is a massive dose of novelty going on here. For instance, a Randall filled with sour patch kids definitely changes the character of the beer. But not in a good wAy. People try it because if the novelty.

Hell, I even tried it.

Wait, there’s sour patch kids beer? I gotta get me some now!
