I wanted to share what happened and the steps I took to correct my error. With the hopes of getting feedback and then also sharing my results in hopes to help others.
Yesterday was bottling day for my dry-hopped pale ale - I was very excited about this beer. Unfortunately I was in a bit of a rush and miss-measured the amount of priming sugar I would be adding. That night I was laying in bed, and had this sinking feeling I added 3/4ths of an ounce of priming sugar and not 3 ounces to be my beer. In fact, that is what I did (don’t ask me how) - very silly mistake.
So today, I remade a priming solution. I have 444 ounces of beer, bottled in 12 and 22 ounce bottles. So I took my 16 ounces of priming sugar and divided that by 444 and then multiplied that number by the ounce of the bottle.
16 / 444 x Y = amount per bottle Y = bottle size
This yielded me .43 ounces per 12 ounce bottle and about .8 ounce per 22 ounce bottle.
Using a sanitized syringe I put the respective amount in each bottle one by one recapping as I went.
I am curious what you all think the result will be and if it will have any ill-effect .
I have a small concern about the lack of headspace in each beer now, but believe this will only mean carbonation will take longer, other than that I don’t believe there should be any problems. Can you foresee any?
I will certainly follow up with results.