Re-Carbonating Beer in Bottles

I wanted to share what happened and the steps I took to correct my error. With the hopes of getting feedback and then also sharing my results in hopes to help others.

Yesterday was bottling day for my dry-hopped pale ale - I was very excited about this beer. Unfortunately I was in a bit of a rush and miss-measured the amount of priming sugar I would be adding. That night I was laying in bed, and had this sinking feeling I added 3/4ths of an ounce of priming sugar and not 3 ounces to be my beer. In fact, that is what I did (don’t ask me how) - very silly mistake.

So today, I remade a priming solution. I have 444 ounces of beer, bottled in 12 and 22 ounce bottles. So I took my 16 ounces of priming sugar and divided that by 444 and then multiplied that number by the ounce of the bottle. 
16 / 444 x Y = amount per          bottle Y = bottle size

This yielded me .43 ounces per 12 ounce bottle and about .8 ounce per 22 ounce bottle.

Using a sanitized syringe I put the respective amount in each bottle one by one recapping as I went.

I am curious what you all think the result will be and if it will have any ill-effect .

I have a small concern about the lack of headspace in each beer now, but believe this will only mean carbonation will take longer, other than that I don’t believe there should be any problems. Can you foresee any?

I will certainly follow up with results.

I think 16 total ounce of priming sugar into 444 ounces of beer (3.5 gallons) is going to prove to be way too much.

You started with the idea that you should have used 3 ozs. to begin with (a reasonable amount) but in fixing you identified 16 ozs. as your new amount)

If you did use 16 ozs of sugar, it will likely explode.

If you used 16 ozs of water with 3 ozs of priming sugar, then scratch what I just said. You’d likely be fine.

I can’t quite tell from how you wrote it up.

Good call, sorry about the confusion. I used another 2.15 ounces of priming sugar in 2 cups of water, so 16 ounces of priming solution.