Recipe Ideas for the Hophead

As my username suggests, I LOVE hoppy beers.  I have been homebrewing for 5.5 years now and for the last 2.5 to 3 years, I have always had a very hoppy beer on tap/bottled or fermenting.  An american pale ale/IPA (but with higher hopping rates that bjcp style guides) is my favorite.

I want to get some “interesting” recipe ideas from the forum.  But, I know that I will not be happy with drinking a malty beer.  All my recipes generally average a ratio of IBU to GP of 1.0 to 1.5.  Essentially, I want to experiment with different flavors for my hoppy beers.  Got any suggestions for the insane hophead?  Let me have 'em and thanks in advance.

How about an all Munich IPA?

Or someone’s (can’t remember the name) Rye IPA?  :slight_smile:

late hop a Pale Ale — NO hops till the last 15 minutes.

Sounds like you are an experienced brewer.

Forget  bjcp style guides, what ever that is. Sounds like you are letting someone else decide what you like.

If you want the bitter side, load up on the start. You want aroma? Load up by dry hopping. Want both? Load up all along the process.

Its that simple. Experiment. Become your greatest critic.

I like that.

IPA fermented with Brettanomyces.


I don’t know what’s in it, but call it Tomahop Missile.

I’d suggest a series of single-hop IPAs. That’ll help you gain familiarity with the different varieties, and may give you some ideas for blends you want to try in the future.

Good suggestions everyone.  I have done some of ideas mentioned here.  A couple of summers ago, I did a series of single hopped beers (keeping the grist the same).  I have also made beers with piles of late hops and dry hops and I love them both.  I also agree with becoming your own critic, because I rarely brew to style.  Here are some ideas I have including one recommended by Denny above:

  1. all munich IPA
  2. IPA with a small of oak cubes (maybe just 1) in with the dry hops
  3. the hell with an IBA - I want  to make porter/stout base with an IPA hop bill
  4. And, I want to try a few different hops (maybe a pile of noble hops, late hopping)

Any other ideas welcome and thanks for your thoughts.

I’d suggest a Belgian IPA, or something crazy hopbursted towards the end of the boil.

This. I’m totally digging on single hop IPAs lately. Got a bunch planned.

I have found India Red Ales to be a pretty interesting “style”…I think with all the crystal malts you can really go crazy with hops and still keep it balanced.

I want to try that someday.

Have you tried that yet Denny?

Yep, several times, Ron.  All that Munich malt really lets ya go crazy with the hops!

denny what’s with the sudden increase of interest in Munich malt as opposed to _____?  I’m just curious, seems like there’s a lot of talk about one malt type (in Belgians, IPA’s, etc).  will there be an upcoming article about the use of Munich malt?

I, too, am a hophead.  Ever had Apline Brewery’s Nelson IPA?  Very big on citrus/grapefruit flavor, hops pretty much punch your palate.  I went after that with a Nelson and Citra based IPA with lots of dry-hopping with Amarillo and Nelson.  Added a good amount of Rye to the grain bed and that seems to have added to the overall hop experience.  The Rye has clouded the brew to an extent and Alpine is known for their clear IPAs, so I missed the mark there, but it sure has been a pleasant adventure down IPA lane - a keeper for me for sure.  Simcoe and Amarillo batch up next…  going after Alpine’s Duet.