Recommendations of good competitions

What are some good competitions around the USA? I’m in New Mexico and we have a couple, but I’d like to try competitions outside of the Land of Enchantment. What are your recommendations?

Try the Minnesota Mashout. I think registration ends today.

Here are the best ones I’ve entered:

Feb/Mar - BABBLE Brew Off -
Feb/Mar - Drunk Monk Challenge -
May/Jun - BUZZ Boneyard Brew Off -
Nov/Dec - Happy Holidays Homebrew Comp -

I’ve entered dozens of other comps, but the ones above have consistently provided very good feedback (for whatever reason).

Regarding this one, it’s also very good, but entries need to be RECEIVED by TODAY.

The Falcons put on a few. In the coming up week or so we have our Doug King Memorial Specialty and Lager Beer competition. In April, one of the world’s oldest comps - the Mayfaire. Details at

Thanks for the suggestions, guys.

FOAM Cup in Oklahoma may not be too bad to ship to from New Mexico. It’s part of the Master Championship of Amateur Brewers (MCAB) circuit -

I entered it one time with a bunch of club members who all shipped together and it was very well run with good feedback and timely results.

Arizona isn’t too far.

I’ll throw our Midwinter comp into the mix. Each entry is judged by two BJCP judges or professional brewer.