Red Hoptober

This fall offering from New Belgium. Has anyone tried this beer?

Yeah, I had it when it first came out (2 years ago?). It’s good, but lacks the “wow factor”, to use an overused phrase. It’s worth a try, but don’t expect greatness.

Yeah, I wasn’t that excited about it either. Odell’s seasonal red, however, is great.

Bummer, they stole my name lol. I was going to replace the CaraMunich and some of the Vienna in my Hoptoberfest with CaraRed the next time I brewed it. Guess I’ll have to go with “The Ides of Marzen” instead.

I was reading the label description and wasn;t wowed. Not really my style and they mentioned “sipping”. I don’t “sip” beer.

You could make a Belgian Champagne-style beer and call it “Et tu Brut”

I just snorted beer! ;D ;D

I had it a couple of weeks ago.  Quite drinkable, nicely hoppy.  It does nothing spectacular and nothing hideous.  It is still several steps above a BudMiloors.  If you think of it as an American Amber, you will be remotely satisfied.  If you go in thinking its anything like an O’fest, you won’t.

I enjoy this beer, their previous “regular” hoptober is good as well but, i think the red is better. it’s almost a red pale ale or “hoppy” red/amber ale.

biscuit bomb. not a fan.

I didn’t mind it when I had it back in late August. 
Mihalybaci, It’s the first year they’ve used the name Red Hoptober.  It’s not the same as the previous 2 years fall seasonal either.  Still has the harvest ale idea going for it, but different flavors, new hops I think.
It’s not a beer I’d go out of my way for, but it’s a good one either way.

Had it at the brewery back in late August on our Colorado trip. It was OK and a drinker, but not a “Wow” beer.

I thought it was a great session brew. Good for Arizona “Fall” nights.

I’ve had it a couple of times and really enjoy it. It’s got a nice roastiness that plays well with the hops, IMO

Hmm…maybe I’m thinking of this since, as I seem to recall, the beer I had wasn’t that “red”. The only thing I know for sure is that whatever I had came out at least two October’s ago, but in any case, I think my earlier remarks can be stricken from the record.

NB Red Hoptober was good, but as others have said, nothing to get too excited about. Now, Odell’s seasonal Red Ale is very good!

I love Odell’s beers, I wish I could get them here in Iowa.  Cutthroat porter, the IPA, and the seasonal Red, are all really good. Mountain Standard is the sh*t too.

Had it on tap a couple of weeks ago.  I liked it.  Won’t set the world on fire, but very drinkable.  I actually like it better than a number of their other beers.

was in boulder this weekend and had a glass of odells richard lifter on cask. yum. just the dales pale but fermented with scottish yeast and dry hopped with simcoe.

don’t you mean Oskar Blues?  confused…

hey anyone got a recipe for the Odells Red?  never had, but there is a lot of love for the beer, and since I can’t get it here, might as well make it…