Planning a 100% Red X beer soon. I recall others saying that it drops the mash pH more than expected. Any tips on how to enter it in Bru’n Water? As far as I can tell the color is shown as 11-13L.
I don’t have direct experience with it, but I know it has full diastatic power and should likely be entered as a base malt. I’m hoping you have a pH meter and can report on how the prediction and measurement turn out.
Thanks Martin. I will have to look it up but I thought someone reported there mash pH to be about 0.1 less than expected. My goal is to shoot for 5.5 using your spreadsheet, hopefully hitting 5.4 or adjusting as necessary.
I think others with experience will chime in eventually.
For a 6 gallon batch that was brewed with 10.5 lbs. of Red X malt, I think the mash pH was around .2 lower than what Bru’n Water predicted.
If I recall, WORT Hog mentioned to set to 15L. I did that and nailed my mash pH.
36ppg 12L
These are the numbers Brewer’s Friend uses and ive brewed a 100% red x beer using them and with the BF water calculator my ph was spot on.
I need to to do another batch with all redx and test the PH accuracy. I did have some issues vs. predicted, but that may have been to recently discovered carbonic acid issue with my RO. I will likely do the redx with distilled and see what PH i get.
If you target 5.6, if you hit that you can always drop it in the kettle if it comes in dead on.
Yeah, I was gonna ask if you thought it was more of a carbonic/RO issue. I’ll be glad if we can eventually get a correction for that in software. Except with the differences in RO systems and water, that may be a tough thing to get right.
Jon, do you get that at all in your grocery bought RO or is it just found in home systems. I would not even know what to be looking for
Truthfully, I only check pH on new recipes. The last few I’ve brewed have been recipes I’ve brewed several times and gotten good pH readings on - ie., they were accurate to Brunwater. I haven’t found the .15 discrepancy Ken has yet, so I there must be a lot of variance in RO water obviously. I need to get back to checking more consistently.
If I understand it correctly, it has more to do with source water . It’s likely you won’t run into this issue with RO water from the stores. My well water is interesting, and may very well be the culprit in conversion thought my RO system.
Thanks all. Sounds like I should just go with 12L as base malt and see where I end up.
Thanks Ken, that’s what I was hoping to hear