refrigerated truck as fermentation lager house

just curious if anyone has done this.  yesterday i saw a small frozen fish delivery truck.  container was probably the size of a small shed.  thought it would be neat if i found one of these somewhere (minus the truck though that would help with transport)  and put the thing in the barn on my moms farm.  I think it would make a kick a_ _ fermentation or lager room.  any thoughts?  large enough to handle the needs of a few homebrewers.

So essentially it’s a walk-in freezer and you just need to add temperature controls.  I can’t think of a reason it won’t work, I’ll be jealous if you get something like that. :slight_smile:

You mean like this…


I’ve seen walk-in refrigerators like this at some restaurants.
The compressor would probably have to be modified to use regular 120VAC.

Unless you could find it for dirt cheap you could probably build a walk-in cooler.

I kinda like the idea of a giant lager tank on wheels.

Put some shanks through the side… And now you’re talking!

almost exactly like that.  that is probably 1/3 bigger than the truck i saw.  I hadn’t thought about putting some shanks on the side.  my mom has a 3 acre lake at one end of her farm.  could just drive it down, fish, and drink. man i need to find some company going out of business.

Walking coolers are expensive thou.
And then how would you control temp on each fermenter?

A new commercial walk-in would be pricey. Build one like Jamil Z. and cool with window unit ought to be less. I don’t see how one control temp on each individual fermenter in a refrigerated truck since it’s basically the same thing unless it has compartments.

But maybe I’m missing something? I often do. :wink:

Thats exactly what I was thinking!  ;D

Awe man. I need to be your friend. I like the way you think/party!  ;D

FTR I bought a 12X12 WiC for around 4K. That’s pricey, sure. But so’s a Truck. Of course I can’t drive my WiC.

You got yourself a great deal.
Good for you.