Regular Column tower vs "T" towed on kegerator?

I am going to upgrade from 2 to 3 faucets and just wondering if anyone has any experience/opinions about a T tower vs a regular column tower?

I think the big unchilled box that makes the T would mean hot foamy beer on the first pour. More so than on a standard tower anyway.

I keep kicking around ideas for a big keezer but its always a balance between what would look cool vs what would function properly vs what would be easiest to clean… that plus I have other things to blow money on right now.

I have a three-tap T tower, and I don’t think there is any more beer in the line than when I had a single tap straight chrome tower. I made the T tower out of PVC, and I insulated the hell out of it. When I pour, I just pour a couple of ounces, stop and let the foam die down, and then I pour the rest of the pint. I get a perfect pour every time.

Hope that helps.

I was worried about the foaming also. My kegerator has a hose that blows cold air up into The tower which might help. I was also worried about the stability of the left and right taps being pushed on over and over again not being over the base?  Good to hear that if it’s insulated there is no significant foaming.  I recently changed out my hoses and it was a real bitch to tighten everything in a normal tower. It sure would be easier to clean and work on hoses with that box.

So I ended up buying the T tower.  It came with the cylindrical tower poorly insulated with a quarter inch pipe insulation that did not oppose the inner metal surface and the metal box up top was completely uninsulated.  I ended up putting half inch pipe insulation in the cylinder that was tight against the inner surface. I then silicon caulked the inside seams of the box and then triple insulated all surfaces as below.  After I installed it and put my fan blowing tube into the tower, I have gotten no condensation at all where as my prior normal tower was sweating like crazy.

I would post some pictures if anyone cares and is interested but I can’t figure out how?

Pictures need to be hosted on a site like picasa or photobucket. You then use the little Mona Lisa icon to add the link to the photo. Not the link to the page, but the link to the actual photo.