Regulator won't seal...

Does anyone else love it when the most simple things in life decide to stop working for you?

So I’m low on co2 for my kegging system.  I unbolt the regulator from the tank, and swap out the tank at the local fire extinguisher supply.  But now when I try to screw the regulator back on to the tank again, it won’t seal tight.  I spray with star san and nice little bubbles come out from the seal.  I try undertightening… I try cranking on it as hard as I can.  I try using some keg lube.  None of this works.

Anyone have any suggestions?  Before I shoot the thing?

EDIT:  could a mod move this to the Kegging topic?  Must be too upset for basic reading comprehension.  Sorry.


I believe it has a built in gasket.  There’s a rubber ring where the regulator meets the tank.

Sometimes the rubber ring is part of a brass fitting which can be removed with a standard hex key (allen wrench).  I pulled one apart after a similar issue to find that the brass fitting was broken into two pieces.  They usually sell these at the homebrew shop or where you got your tank refilled.

Answer:  get mad.  Apply more force.  No more bubbles.

Hopefully, that does it.  We’ll see if it drains in a week anyway.  But I’m gonna keep a close eye on it.

Sometimes the oring doesn’t seal properly.  My gas supply house gave me a plastic gasket to use in addtition to the oring and this works great.  They give me one every time I fill one of my tanks.

Cranking down on it as hard as you can with/without a gasket will likely damage the seating surface.  :cry: Bad idea. Be gentle but firm.

There should be a disk-like gasket with a small hole- not a built in one. You probably lost it when you removed the regulator. Try looking on the floor in the area you removed the regulator.

It could have stuck to the previous keg’s seating surface. If you can’t find it call/go to where you swapped and maybe they’ll give you one.

Good luck

the same thing here.
I get new washer every time when i exchange my tank.

That’s odd, I’ve never noticed a gasket before, but it wouldn’t surprise me if I did have one that got itself lost.  I’ll ask the guys at the shop the next time I’m in.

Pressure seems to be stable, so I guess all is well for now.