Repitching yeast on Odell Wheat recipe

I am a rookie brewer and I think my yeast was either expired or fell out of the acceptable temperature range.  From what I have read it looks like i can repitch the yeast within 7 days of brewing.  I am using dry yeast SafBrew WB-06.  Any insight as to the best way to approach this?  I am aware of rehydrating the yeast but wasn’t sure if that is needed and/or acceptable given that I will be repitching.  Many thanks in advance!

Can’t comment too much about your plan but I’m not sure that yeast would be the best choice for Easy Street.

EDIT- Have you taken a hydrometer reading? If it didn’t ferment well you could always throw another packet of yeast in.

Are you saying that you pitched a packet of dry yeast and didn’t see any activity?  You may have missed it.  Why don’t you take a hydrometer reading and see if anything happened before you add more.

Thanks for the replies.  Yes, I am going to take a reading today to see where I’m at.  I never had a ton of bubbling activity but there was some.  Since today is day 5 after brewing I’ll see if there has been a decent shift from my OG.  I’ll post my readings here to see if I am on track.

Wow, I stand corrected.  My specific gravity reading was within the acceptable range so I guess I did miss it.  I really don’t know how as an anxious first time brew I was keeping an eye on it pretty closely.  While I did hear gurbling and see some bubbling, I was expecting this massive show that blew my mind.  I highly doubt any gas was escaping my bucket as it is sealed on 4 sides.  Could it just be the strain of grain that might not have a high amount of activity?  Either way, this is super exciting!

Don’t trust an airlock.  You could have a lid leaking and the CO2 escaped unnoticed through the lid leak as the “path of least resistance”.  Brew On!