reusing German Ale Yeast

Hey all,
I haven’t yet tried reusing yeast cake and I have an Altbier that’s just finishing up, would like to give it a shot with my german ale yeast (WYeast).  Anyone have suggestions as to a style I should pursue with this yeast?  I’d like to go dark if possible.
Thanks and happy holidays!


80% Pils
10% Munich
7% Caramunich
3% Choc Wheat

WY 1007 @60*

Hopped like an IPA w/Hallertauer, Perle, etc.  It can (should) even be dry hopped.

7-8%, 60+ IBU, 20+ SRM

Well that’s a fantastic first response, brewday, thank you!!

+1! Great suggestion. And those are great hop suggestion but Spalter would probably be the most traditional. For American hops you could also use Crystal with fantastic results!

Also, you can make “mock” lager with the yeast. Start the fermentation of at 54 and most people will not be able to tell it is not a lager yeast.

Crystal would be great.  You can really play around with the hops for this beer - I’ve even used a Hallertau/Citra combo at flameout and it did well.

I’ve always been hesitant to use Spalt, I think because of what I’ve read in BCS or one of Denny’s altbier threads on hbd.

So… talk me into using Spalter.  Is it best used as an early or late addition, or both?

Spalter is more herbal and earthy than, say Mittlefruh.  I definitely think you have a lot of freedom in what hops to choose (I brewed a doppelstickealt last fall and used crystal and was very pleased, but then I really like crystal) but to me Spalter tastes like alt. You should try it for yourself sometime.

I only ever used it as finishing hop and use magnum as bittering for all my German type beers.

I use Spalt all the way through on all of my alts.  I love it.

Sold …

If Spalt ‘tastes like alt’ and is included in all of Denny’s alts, then good enough for me.  Thanks!

+2 for Spalt. Good hop, really good in alt.

Sounds like we’ve got unanimous advice to go with the Doppelsticke, and I’ll work in the Spalt.  Thanks everyone!