Hey, I was thinking about brewing the japanese style rice lager the AHA sent out recently, but I’m doing extract only for a while while I’m short on time. Any thoughts on converting it to extract? I was thinking about trying some rice syrup solids, but would it be better using some flaked rice? Or would it be better to replace with some sugar instead?
Nothing wrong with using the rice syrup solids. Flaked rice will need to be mashed, so you’ll have to do at least a partial mash. Sugar will work, but give you a slightly different character.
The rice in that recipe represents about 40% of the fermentables which seems really high to me. To convert it you could use 3.3 pounds of extra-light DME with 2.2 pounds of rice syrup solids and get the right gravity and percentage. That said I might try to make up those 5.5 pounds of extract with 4.5 of DME and 1 of rice or maybe 4 pounds of DME and then 1.5 pound of rice syrup solids so you’re not SO high on the rice. Honestly not sure how 40% would taste in the finished beer. Then just follow the hops schedule and you’re off and ready.