Rookie mistake?

I did a second fermentation on an English brown ale a week ago and didn’t do my research.  I racked from a bucket i used for the primary into a 6.5 gallon glass carboy.  Did i ruin the beer because there is going to be too much O2 in the carboy?

Homebrewers do this all the time. I like to purge the secondary with CO2 before I do the transfer to minimize oxidation, but your beer will be fine. I generally rack right into the keg or I will prime and bottle after primary ferment for most ales.

It’s already been a week, so this hint is of lesser value than it would otherwise have been: If you’re concerned about it, get one of those little CO2 cartridge dispenser systems used by bicyclists to rapidly inflate their tires. Any bike shop will have them; I’d guess you could get the dispenser and some cartridges for 10 bucks or so. Just take off your carboy cap and (gently, quickly) blast some CO2 in there. Let it sit awhile if you want and give it another blast. CO2 is heavier than O2 so allow some time for the O2 to “settle” up top.

Probably though as bluesman said, you’re ok. Chances are you had lots of dissolved CO2 in the beer and it will release and blanket your beer.

Thanks guys, I appreciate the info!  I’m learning more all the time!!

If you get the mini-CO2 cartridge system, be sure to get the “threaded” type. This will allow you to dispense just as little CO2 as you need for each use, and the cartridges will stay useable for quite awhile. The non-threaded type, you get one blast and it’s all over. The threaded system will pay for itself quickly. I used these for years before finally going to a real CO2 system (which is completely worth it btw).

This is a good way to purge your carboys in advance, as bluesman noted. Much better to purge first, rather than just clear out the headspace afterwards. Just blast some in, let it settle for a couple minutes, and rack.