Saison Dupont

Is there any way to get one that doesn’t reek of skunk pee? I finally caved and sprung for a bottle a little while back, despite my reluctance to buy green-bottle beer. My whole kitchen reeked the second I opened the bottle, and I could only choke down two sips before I dumped the whole damn thing. I’d love to try a fresh, unskunked bottle sometime, but I don’t know if I’d ever take a chance on it again.

Find a bottle shop that keeps them way in the back away from windows and bright lights. or better yet ask for one that’s still in the box and skip the crap on the shelves.

And once you find a store that can give you it fresh (and appreciates you asking), keep going back!

I take HUGE issue with so-called “Better Beer” Stores that store beer improperly, sell out-of-date beer, and just don’t take good care of it. Not only am I paying full price for damaged product, but the lack of commitment to quality is hurting brewers’ reputation, potential customer base, and bottom line.

gets off soapbox

I’ve seen a couple bars around here (Colorado) sell Dupont in a 12-oz bottle that’s brown.  So maybe Dupont has finally figured out that their beer tastes better minus the skunk?  We can only hope they’ll follow suit with their 750 mL bottles.

I’d love to see that. I’ve seen some 375’s (splits) in my area, but they’re green too :frowning:

State line on Maryland turns it over frequently.  I’ve never had a skunked one from there.  Although I have seen evidence that they leave loss leaders on the shelf too long.

I’ve never been impressed by Dupont. Maybe because they’re all light-struck? I never noticed a strong skunkiness, but in retrospect there may have been some low-level off-flavors.

Get it on tap.  We actually got a sixtel for our club summer party.

I’ve also picked up Foret in brown 11.2 oz bottles before.  I think you can get the Saison in them too.

I’ve never had a skunked Dupont. However, I always pull from the back regardless of brand or bottle color.

It has been a long, long time since I have a a Saison de Pont, but I do recall getting a few old or light struck bottles on occasion. For some reason I can not enjoy the Foret. Just do not enjoy that beer’s character much.

On tap, 3,50 eur for a 33cl pour. FRESH.

I thought beer was cheaper than that where you are.  Is that the going rate for most beers?

Lol!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

< rant >

Noooooo… That’s super super cheap. Most of the bars in Paris charge between 5 and 8 EUR for 33cl of 1664. The bar across from my office would charge 10 EUR for pints of guinness (that’s $12.30 in old money). Most of the time the lines aren’t clean either. Paris is a wasteland for reasonably priced good beer (with about three exceptions) thanks to the never-ending supply of gullible tourists who keep the price/quality ratio so out of balance.

< / rant >

Theoman has better prices in Brussels, no sense trying to drink French beer on the cheap in France. Gotta do it in other countries.

I have had it multiple times and never had an issue with freshness.  First time I tried it I got it from a trade as an extra and it was fine.  Other times I’ve gotten it from in St Louis and it was also fine, although they are pretty reputable and certainly know what they are doing.  Caveat: I didn’t see any particular effort to protect them from light there, and didn’t check freshness info.

So in my experience this is a wonderful saison that I’d happily drink again.  YMMV.

I would think that in order to skunk it as badly as mentioned in the OP you’d have to BLAST it with high intensity light for quite a while… even corona has never smelled THAT bad to me (and I drank a lot of corona back in my younger days down south).