Saison help

I brewed a 10 gallon batch of a Saison this weekend and it is happily fermenting away in my basement in two separate carboys.  The yeast is a blended strain that was given to me by a local brewpub and made a wonderfully spicy Saison.

I am going to let 5 gallons ferment plain but I was thinking about adding a fruit to the other carboy.  I was thinking maybe apricots.

Any suggestions as to how much to add to the secondary or another suggestion of something to add?


Apricots are nice but you will need a lot of them to gain any noticeable flavor. At least 10 pounds for a five gallon batch.

That is kind of what I have been reading/seeing.  I was thinking of using the frozen, unsweetened, thawed apricots and blended with a little RO water added to the secondary.

Yeah - puree is the way to go.

The first time I used peaches I chopped them and pushed them through the neck of the carboy. I worked for HOURS getting them out after racking off!

I just brewed an apricot wheat. I racked it on 2 lbs pureed apricots with their stones in the carboy. It was already a bit tart with the addition of acid malt in the grain bill but the apricots brought up the tartness to the point that it now tastes like a really clean sour wheat with a hint of apricot. Really nice!

Good luck! Apricot saison sounds great! Post updates with tasting notes.