I brewed saison sangreal from “Experimental Homebrewing” - French saison with blood orange juice and zest. A thirst-quenching favorite amongst those whose names shall not be mentioned but are under the legal drinking age. Problem: there is absolutely no head. Was this to be expected? Before that I also brewed the citra saison from the same book, and there the head was ok.
When I pour a bottle it’s like very, very fizzy and then the head is gone. Mind you, I don’t think it’s really very problematic for this beer. I’m just marketing it as a radler right now 8)
Did you ever bottle this beer? or only serve from kegs? if there is oil from the zest it would probably float on the surface so if you are serving from a keg you wouldn’t have any problems.
Homoeccentricus (Man, you gotta put your first name in your sig line or something. that’s a beast to type) could it be fusels (hot alcohol flavors) or too low pH? (tartness).
I’m just going to assume you have sparkling clean hand wiped beer glasses of course.
It’s yet another Frank. I collect movies (think Once Upon A Time In The West) and tv series (think House Of Cards) where the bad guy is called Frank, there’s lots of them. Something to do with the name.
Beginning of this year I brewed the citra saison, which is more or less the same recipe without the orange, and there the head was ok. I have the impression it’s killer orange particles that destroy the head…
I do have the impression that it’s oil and particles floating at the surface that prevent the head from being formed. Why would that not be a problem when one kegs?
If it’s floating stuff, then kegging could bypass this (at least, until you reach the end of the keg) because you’re not serving the top fraction but indeed the lower fraction (assuming a keg works the way I think it does, i.e. like a siphon bottle).