Schneider Aventinus - Easily one of my favorites!

This had a little bit of everything. The dominant aroma was banana and wheat. Also had hints of sweet grape and cloves. A slight alcohol smell that went well with the grape.
Sweet caramel and banana up front. Finished off with a spicy flavor.
This is one of my favorite beers. Just checked the BA guidelines and this weizenbock is spot on…

Have you guys tried their Weizen-Eisbock?

Good beer but I had  enough to last a life time :smiley:


What a great note!

I had quite a few of them last fall and winter.

Seven? Dang.

While minding my own business at “In de Wildeman” the subject came up that nobody could drink more than 6 Schneider Aventinus in one sitting. Hearing this I replied thats nonsense and joined into the debate with the locals/bartender.

A quick check of the ABV and I boasted tomorrow we’ll see if its possible, thats what 4 triples will get you into ???

The next day I dreaded the challenge after a longnight of hard drinking, lost count around 8-9Hi-gravity brews & lots of smoking.

So 7pm I sat down with a greasy shorma for dinner and started in on the beer, its a heavy thick chewy beer with lots of yeast. The first 5 went down within 2hrs but feeling its best to take it slow decided to have a smoke break :smiley:

A walk across the alley to the coffeeshop and a nice 1g joint of Amnesia Haze set the mood just right. Now with massive cottonmouth and a shit-eatting grin I slammed 2 beers fast and told the barmaid thats 7 Aventinus may I have a Rochefort 10 ;D
Yeah I did the 10 just to knock it outta the park and leave no doubt I broke the record.

She stood there just looking at me in disbelief and asked the other barmaid 'this be true? Now you want a Rochefort 10?

So after drinking the last beer I asked for written proof to show the group thats its possible to drink 7 Aventinus & a Rochefort 10 in one sitting without becoming a drunken fool.

The nextday the bartender asked how did it go? upon hearing my story he called to confirm the news and from then on they called me Mr. Aventinus :wink:

They’ll never say an American can’t handle his or her drink again ;D

part 2 of the pic


Great story.  Thanks for sharing.

That will be the last drinking challenge I do, hell I’m a old dog and no longer a young bull.
Oh and the wife kept pace with each beer I did, but we cheat :o

How did we cheat you may ask… before every vacation we take 30 days off of drinking to recharge our livers ;D

It works and I have the blood test to prove it :wink:






I really like the beer but I like to share one with my wife.  ::slight_smile:

Awesome story Mr. Aventinus.  Enjoyed all the pics.  Love the fact that you documented it…