Was thinking about doing a Scotch ale this weekend. So far Im looking at 3oz peated malt. 3lb Special B and 25lb 2row. Have Nugget Magnum and Columbus hops
Peat malt has no place in a Scotch ale, IMHO. No matter how small the amount. British/Scottish 2 row, roast barley, and boil down the first runnings a la Skotrat’s recipe:
+1. Awesome recipe. I brewed it a few years back. I wouldn’t change one thing, other than adding some bourbon soaked oak chips next time as I think it’s a great compliment to a Scotch Ale (ala Backwoods Bastard). +1 to no peated malt ever.
To me a scotch ale is not a scotch ale unless it is done with a British base malt and British hops. The recipe of a true scotch ale is simple. British pale malt, take the first gallon of runnings and boil it down to half a gallon to caramelize it, get the rest of your runnings and boil. That gives a caramel flavor and darkens it. Or you can make something that tastes really close by adding some caramel malt to British pale for flavor and some black patent for color.