I would leave out the peated malt. Everything else looks good. The dark crystals are probably not necessary, but I get where you’re coming from and add 120 to mine as well (I like the flavor of dark crystal in my wee heavy) I usually use all Maris Otter for the base malt and boil down a gallon of the first runnings a la skotrat’s Traq house recipe. Last time I actually boiled some of it to the point it turned to syrup. This batch is still aging, but the hydro samples were awesome. If you are not going to boil down some of the first runnings, would mash high or add additonal 60 or 80 crystal malt (flame-suit donned ;)) to get the extra body.
AFAIAC, you’re way off the money. The absolute best wee heavy I’ve made has been from Skotrat’s Traquair House clone recipe. It’s nothing but pale malt and about 1% roasted barley for color.
I’m with Denny on this…a simpler grain bill is going to give you a much better Wee Heavy (as well as a more authentic one, if that’s what you’re going for).
You can use a couple of pounds of Munich for some malty richness, but definitely leave out the peated malt, the crystal malts…everything but the pale and (if you like it) the Munich.
I’ve done this simpler version in 5gal batches with around 3 AAUs in the last 60 minutes of the long boil, then giving the finished beer 6 months aging in the cold, and the result is nothing short of luscious.
Bottom line is you just don’t need all the other stuff n there.